• Transistor Lookup

    Find all sorts of transistors and thyristors using this neat lookup tool. Search by part number (with or without wildcards) as well as by any of a few dozen structured spec parameters. A fast, clutter-free way to find the components you're looking for.

    After identifying some parts, click the part number for more details in an expanded view as well as links to other resources including datasheets, diagrams, etc.

    Lookup Transistors
  • Low Voltage Audio Projects

    A searchable list of projects and circuits. At the moment, the project list is exclusively populated with audio effect pedal projects. Over time, I hope to provide some resrouces for other audio projects like amplifiers, speakers, and other gadgets.

    In addition to identifying project parts and values and related external resources for a given project, I've conencted the parts list for each project to the database of transistors. This allows for some simple (but wide-reaching) transistor substitution suggestions and allows you to hone the 'suggestion' parameters further by integrating back to the transistor lookup tool.

    Find some projects
  • Semiconductor Manufacturer Logo and Mark lookup

    This extensive list of manufacturer logos and marks is a handy resource for component identification.

    Use your browser's search (Cmd+F or Ctl+F) on the page to find marks by manufacturer name or scroll through the logos to spot the mark you're looking for. A print-ready PDF is available too.

    Browse the logos